1) WALTER WHITE (BREAKING BAD) – Mr. “Say My Name” needs no introduction. He is Heisenberg, and his reputation precedes him. Star of Breaking Bad, is undoubtedly the most badass of all. Started as a normal -and let’s face it, even a bit nerdy- chemistry teacher, he found himself to govern without rival a colossal drug empire. Despite thousand difficulties, he always manages to escape. Helped by the fact that his brother Hank is in the DEA, he has always the situation “under control”. Aided by a genius without limits and limited edition, by a charisma that gradually discovers, by an innate ability to improvise. Star of countless situations hyper-badass and countless quotes from hyper-badass. The aforementioned ‘Say My Name’, of course, but also ‘This … is not Meth “(PHOTOS), or’ I’m in the business empire ” Nothing stops this train ‘and the unique’ I’m the danger. I’m the one who knocks’. Unparalleled. He died killing all his past enemies with a gimmick he invented himself. But then, the king of the badass could not die otherwise. The king of badass is so badass to be able to kill even himself in an epic way, before someone or something else would.