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Con Hall of Series Discover avrai:
POSITION 1 – LORI GRIMES – For excellence, by definition, the most hated person in the history of The Walking Dead. Many argue is his fault if it all went wrong. Because of his wish to keep a foot in both camps, which led to the splitting of the idyll Rick-Shane, already threatened and made wobbly by the beautiful Lori previous liaison with the best friend of her husband. But when things seemed to be back more or less in place, Lori has done more: in the throes of a crisis triangle style Joey Dawson’s Creek, has warmed the hearts of both contenders, putting them against each other, causing them to get to the final confrontation in which the two try to kill himself. Rick comes out winning, but thanks to the mess comes out a horde of zombies that destroy the farm of Hershel and kill another little ‘people. Forcing the group to flee. In addition to this, Lori is attributed the lack of attention to his son – the phrase ‘Where is Carl …?‘ It will remain in the annals of The Walking Dead – and even from the most aggressive, the fact that even a ghost has ruined the life of Rick doing crazy things with all that has achieved. In short, she is the first. But it is not a very pleasant victory; it is another matter entirely.